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Matter of Things

poster of the event matter of thingsFor the second edition of San Giovanni Interno Aperto titled Trans-Forma, Geologismi presents MATTER OF THINGS: a gathering aiming to generate a discussion on materials, objects, their origin, their meaning, and our way of approaching them.Cities, houses and things are in constant transformation. This ever-changing reality has become evident to our eyes in recent months, since a construction site has almost entirely incorporated our studio. Our attention has been captured by what was once part of a house (and a city) and is now debris.Dismantling and modifying yielded broken and split materials. But whatabout their history? Is it possible to see their latent beauty, one last time?
sculpture with ceramic vases, bricks and debris from construction site ssculpture with ceramic vases, bricks and debris from construction site
Sculpture with ceramic vases, bricks, debris from construction sitesculpture with ceramic vases, bricks, wood and debris from construction site