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Collezione: 23° 26’ COLLECTION

4.5 billion years ago, Earth was struck by Theia, a planet the size of Mars. That collision generated the ejection of debris that later formed the Moon, and caused the Earth's rotational axis to tilt with respect to its orbital plane. Currently the axial tilt is about 23° 26', this causes a periodic change in the intensity of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface at a given latitude. This angle is therefore responsible for seasonal trends, not just meteorological ones.

If that chance encounter between Earth and Theia had not occurred, our planet would be very different from how we know it. With no moon and no seasons, what would our perception of time be?

This project, and the limited collection that comes with it, is about just that: the seasons, how they are perceived by the individual and society, the patterns we expect month after month, and the changes that disrupt them.

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